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The Healthy Commute

Dec 16, 2021

Getting through the holidays can be difficult and can take its toll on our overall health. Overeating, staying up late, no routine and sometimes more stress!
We will give you the best tips and tricks to proactively stay healthy over the holidays so you can start 2022 with momentum on your side!
And don't forget to...

Dec 2, 2021

Movement is key to achieve overall health and wellness. So much so, that if we were forced to choose between great nutrition, sleep and movement/exercise to improve our overall health, we would pick proper movement!
In today's episode we review the 4 types of movement/exercise you need to be working on to help you...

Nov 17, 2021

Have you ever watched those chiropractic videos where people are getting these big pop or crack sounds from their adjustment? The bigger the sound and the more surprised the patient the better!

Well some people cannot stand to hear that pop or crack sound, where others love it!

Listen in as we discuss what that pop or...

Nov 4, 2021

Tired? Want more energy? Listen in as we review simple food hacks to increase your energy. We review our top 10 points on how to achieve high energy from your nutrition.
Hint: key thing is how you start your day and make sure you don't get on the sugar rollercoaster! Listen in to find out all 10 points!

Oct 20, 2021

Can we predict the future? NO!

But we can predict if someone will be in pain or not in the future based on these 5 key points!

In this episode, we review the top 5 predictors of pain, and the good news is that you have control over 4 out of the 5 points!